The Board of Deacons of the lst Presbyterian Church of Newton in the winter of 1987 proposed to the Sussex County Community of Churches the concept of an ecumenical soup kitchen. The Deacons felt that by doing this at least four things might be realized:
1. The congregation and the community would be actively caring for neighbors who needed help.
2. Our neighbors would receive help.
3. When the need to help at home was satisfied, some would feel more comfortable and perhaps even be more active in worldwide Mission support.
4. Ecumenical bonds would be created.
The Presbyterian Church of Newton generously houses Manna House. Manna House has 25 participating congregations. The only requirement of Participating congregations is to send volunteers one day a month; to prepare and serve the daily meal and one person to represent each congregation at the monthly board meetings. There are numerous supporting congregations, institutions, businesses, local groups, and individuals who donate financial support, as well food and paper goods. Manna House does not receive any local, county, state, or federal funds. The entire program has been supported by the spontaneous efforts of the community. This community has reached out and touched the lives of hundreds of people and has served hundreds of thousands of meals to those in need of food and fellowship.
Each congregation has one day per month when their volunteers come to Manna House. Between 10:00 and 1:00 they set up, prepare the meal, serve and cleanup. All congregations welcome new and regular volunteers to join in this ecumenical mission project. We thank our congregations for their generosity, dedication, and support.
The Sussex County community has had an opportunity to work together and to share in this local mission for more 35 years. We are thankful for this opportunity and the very special individuals, groups and congregations who have committed to bring this program to their neighbors in need.